The practical methods of stopping the mind within this process are the following:

  1. Self honesty in every moment – when a thought, feeling or emotion arise within you – to apply self forgiveness immediately
  2. Self forgiveness
  3. Self corrective application – to live self statements as who you are for that which you have applied forgiveness for – for instance if you did self forgiveness on judging another, comparing yourself to another, you make a statement which you live to not allow judgment or comparison within you again such as: I am equal and one as me – I do not accept and allow separation within me.
  4. Breathing

To be ‘free’ from the Matrix – is to be in this world but not be of this world – meaning that you are not defined as who you are according to anything or anyone in and of this world – but you stand absolute within you as you – not influenced, moved, controlled, directed by anyone or anything separate from you – this includes your own mind of thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Question: Ok a question I have about these “energetic experiences that trap” Did I create these. my impression is that yes I did, but of a starting point that was not me as one as life.


Perspective: Yes – correct – you as the mind did create the “energetic experiences that trap” from a starting point of separation.


Question: However when i think of overcoming these energies or letting go of them, a point of separation emerges.


Perspective: Have a look: You’re already in separation with you by the mere example that such ‘energetic experiences’ exist within and as you.

Energy was manifested by the mind consciousness systems to understand and comprehend ‘movement’ through friction and balance. Instead of self movement in every moment as the totality of you – no energy requirement – you moving you within and as you as who you are through self expression in every moment.

It’s not ‘overcoming’ or ‘letting go’ of the energies – it is to stand within and as oneness and equality with ‘energetic experiences’ and from here ‘transcend’ the ‘energetic experiences’ through self forgiveness and application: Until no more energetic experienced exist within and as you.

Thus – when an ‘energetic experience’ steps forth – integrate it within and as the entirety of you: This makes the statement that you realise that you’re not separate from the energy – but one with the energy. Then – as you experience the energetic experience – apply self forgiveness accordingly and see where in your world corrective self application is required and you’ll ‘notice’ (once self forgiveness and self application is effective) such ‘energetic experience’ disappear.

It’ll disappear because you as the energy realise that it is not energy – but life, constant and stable within and as oneness and equality. Thus – you’re ‘showing’ the energy as you who you as the energy really is through self forgiveness and self application.


Question: Is it a complete detachment from these energetic experiences that trap that is needed.


Perspective: I’d rather place it in this way: It’s a realisation that’ll take place within and as you – as you place this energy within and as you – apply self forgiveness with self application – you will realise that you are indeed not of energy.


Question: How can we separate ourselves from anything? Whenever talking or thinking about the mind consciousness system, I am under the impression that it is not me? How could this be, if I am one with everything?


Perspective: The mind consciousness system is indeed not ‘who you really are’. At the moment it is yes – it is who you have come to believe and perceive yourself to be – but not ‘who you really are’.

Yes – it is not to separate you from the mind consciousness system – because we have accepted and allowed its very existence – this process is for you to realise that you’re not the mind consciousness system – but life within and as oneness and equality – but you’re also not separate from the mind consciousness system. Because if you view the mind consciousness system as separate from you: You’ll get nowhere and continue in ‘time loops’.

Thus – how does it work: Realise that in this moment you have accepted and allowed yourself to be of the mind consciousness system within and as you. Now as this mind consciousness system you apply self forgiveness together with self honesty in every moment, self application – to reveal to yourself as this mind consciousness system – that you’re not a mind consciousness system – but life within and as oneness and equality – just like you do with the energy.

In this – you as all that has ever existed within and as you as all that is of mind consciousness systems: Will realise who you really are of life within and as oneness and equality as the expression of you in every moment.

Thus – as you stand within and as oneness and equality with you – as the mind consciousness system – your starting point of you is within and as oneness and equality and thus self forgiveness and self application will be effective as you apply forgiveenss as the mind consciousness system – to realise who you really are as life as oneness and equality as the expression of you in every moment.

And this is a process – because for many years you have believed yourself to be this mind consciousness system – so – don’t be hard on yourself – take it moment by moment with every breath of self honesty and self forgiveness and self application.
